As many are aware, the town of Jackson was extremely hard hit in the rain event on Monday December 18th, 2023.
Washburn Way, the private road for the OH Cabin was heavily damaged during this time. If you plan to stay at the cabin, please utilize the winter parking areas on Route 16 and do not drive on the road for any reason. You may find that there are construction vehicles parked along 16 blocking any parking. In this case, if you have a vehicle with with decent clearance, you may be able to just barely park on Washburn Way and at least get off the highway. Please try to avoid this if possible however and remain as far down the road and away from the damage as possible.
Washburn Way, the private road for the OH Cabin was heavily damaged during this time. If you plan to stay at the cabin, please utilize the winter parking areas on Route 16 and do not drive on the road for any reason. You may find that there are construction vehicles parked along 16 blocking any parking. In this case, if you have a vehicle with with decent clearance, you may be able to just barely park on Washburn Way and at least get off the highway. Please try to avoid this if possible however and remain as far down the road and away from the damage as possible.
When walking up the road, please be mindful and stay to the sides so you do not create further damage to the road or yourself.
Repair work is being assessed but there are other roads and driveways in worse condition that need repairs ahead of us.
Thank you for your cooperation. 
How is the road now and can we park on Route 16 during a storm (tomorrow, Jan 13)
Hello, the road has not been repaired. Your best bet is to park on 16 just as in any winter situation.
From the cabin information on the website: Parking
The Harvard Cabin lot is available to Cabin visitors, as well as the pullout on the far (west) side of Rt. 16. Both are regularly plowed. These lots get intense use from Harvard Cabin users during weekends in late January and early February. Plan accordingly.