The next Steering Committee meeting will be on Tuesday September 29th. As a reminder, this meeting starts at 6:30 PM for all SC members, and then others can join at 6:45 PM once the budget presentation is complete. If you are not a member of the Steering Committee, you need to be a member of the OHA in order to join the Zoom meeting. Please make sure your Zoom profile includes your full name and not something like “Doug’s iPad” or we won’t be able to let you in the “door”. Agenda below the Zoom details.
Topic: OH Steering Committee Meeting Time: Sep 29, 2020 06:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 853 7677 8377
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Agenda for OH Steering Committee Meeting, September 29, 2020, via Zoom
1) Treasurer’s Report (Alex Ziko)
2) Cabin (Carter Bascom, Stroker, Josh Alper) Gervais property appraisal Gervais cabin: maintain or demolish? Other costs related to acquiring the property? Next steps for acquiring Gervais property Cabin status: available for member use?
3) Fallfest Reunion, Friday, Oct. 30 (Phoebe Howe, Stroker) Business meeting and featured talk via Zoom (?), 10/30, 7:30 – 9 PM Special & Honorary Member Awards postponed to 2021 (Guy & Laura Waterman, John Nutter) Regional meet-ups for socially-distant activites
4) Oktoberfest (Stroker for Richard Stetson) Early November, 1-day event, Richard Stetson to manage, volunteers welcome
5) 501(c)3 Status (Josh)
6) Nominations for 2020 Officers (13 total) (Phoebe Howe) Chair: Stroker Treasurer: Alex Ziko Secretary: Carter Bascom Resuscitator Editor: Miles Howard Resuscitator Assistant Editor: Emma “E.B.” Brandt Treasurer Emeritus: John “Moose” Meserve Webmaster: Kim “Schroeder” Steward Members-at-large: Emily Benson, Steve Colt, Emily Griffin, Phoebe Howe, Liz Seabury, ??
7) 2020 Joe Dodge Award Committee (Whitney Brown) Emily on status of volunteer representation on Committee Committee scheduled to meet when and where for 2021 award? OH nominees for 2021 award?
8) By-Law Revisions Proposed changes: (a) membership extended to full-service camps; (b) gender-neutral language Best to wait until after approval of 501(c)3 application?
9) Website (Schroeder, Brian Post)
10) Hut System Report (Whitney Brown)
11) Hut Croo Photo Project Status of Greenleaf hut croo photos? Photos at other huts?
12) Trails Report (Bill Barrett, Stroker)
13) Resuscitator (Miles Howard & Emma Brandt)
14) New & Other Bidness PNC 100th in October?
15) Next Steering Committee Meeting: December 15, 6:30 PM, Zoom
My beautiful picture
Stroker, 9/25/20