kibbe2Clinton Prescott Glover, 80, outdoorsman and photographer, died peacefully at Pinkham July 29, 1991. He was educated in the Haverhill, MA schools and later attended the New England School of Art in Boston. In World War II he served in the 182nd Regimental Combat Team, M Company in the Soloman Islands on Guadicanal and Bougainville as the regimental photographer as well as an anti-tank crew gunman for which he received a Presidential unit citation.

After the war, he returned to work for the AMC until his retirement in 1972.

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  1. Richard Kirker on May 27, 2024 at 1:03 pm

    I knew Kibbe at Pinkham notch working for the AMC from 1987 to 1992

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